The Bruges air quality is very poor in certain places in the city. Especially in the narrow historic streets of the inner city with a lot of traffic, the so-called “street canyons”.
This was evident from the ‘Curieuzeneuzen Flanders’, a large-scale citizen research into air quality in Flanders. Cars are the largest contributor to soot and particulate matter in the air along busy roads and inner cities. However, in Flanders wood combustion (30%) is the most important source of particulate matter (2015). We really do this ourselves by firing our stoves!
Handmade in Bruges brings the Rotterdam project to Flanders to set up Smogware in Bruges together with the residents and the craftsmen. In this way, the problem of particulate matter is made clear, the discussion around it is stimulated and the search for solutions at a local level is encouraged. By also doing the ‘urban mining’ in other Belgian cities, a beautiful sample map of particulate matter in Flanders can be created and a unique series of ceramics can be created that highlights the local differences in Flanders through shades of color in the glaze!
More info here

Bruges is too clean
Project manager Emma in Bruges shared her dilemma of lack of raw materials – despite the so-called ‘street canyons’, the picturesque narrow streets of Bruges where all the particulate matter lingers … and as soon as it settles it is cleaned up by the residents and shopkeepers. “They are too clean here!”
She has found the solution to her dilemma. The fine dust is collected by chimney sweeps, in order to be able to tell the story about the biggest hum in Flanders: the stoves.

Film by Smogware Bruges / De Republiek, Emma Petillion.
Smogware Brugge is made possible thanks to:
Bovenlokaal Cultuurprojecten
It cooperates with:
Vlaamse Overheid
City Bruges
Dienst Leefmilieu Brugge // Stadslabo Brugge Vives
Mind- and Makerspace Brugge
Vorming Plus
Syntra West
West-Vlaamse Milieufederatie Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij Natuurpunt
House of Time